The Innsbrook Garden and Other Garden News
Innsbrook’s greenhouse is bursting with spring blooms and those that are waiting until it gets somewhat warmer outside before relocating to al fresco living. We got to take a behind-the-scenes tour of the greenhouse and ask some questions of Innsbrook Director of Horticulture Keith Thompson. See his answers below.
Innsbrook’s greenhouse on April 17, 2014.
How do you choose which plants to use in which locations? Site characteristics; sun or shade, does soil stay dry or wet, then a list of plants that fit the soil and solar exposure is compiled.
How many staff do you have during the peak season taking care of all these plants? Four.
What’s the plant line-up that will brighten the Main Gate this season? Elephant ear colocasia, zinnia, and diamond frost euphorbia.
The Main Gate a few years back. We’ll have to wait a little longer to see what it looks like in all its glory this year!
For those who enjoy doing their own landscaping at home: if any of their plants start looking less-than-ideal, where should they begin when looking for a cause? Start with leaves and stems and then roots, looking for insect or disease issues.
Look for these flowers all around the Innsbrook ground this year.
Is there anything else you’d like people to know about Innsbrook horticulture? Our staff works very hard keeping up with all the plantings throughout the development and it’s their efforts that keep IBK looking great!
A coloful landscape design used for the West Gate in the past.
If you have questions about the landscaping you see around Innsbrook, or would like help in planning or planting the landscape for your Innsbrook property, contact Keith at 636-928-3366 ext. 177 or email
If you’re inspired to add more plant life to your property this year, don’t miss the Village of Innsbrook Garden Club’s annual plant sale at the Property Management Building on May 10. You’ll have the opportunity to purchase reasonably priced and locally grown plants from other residents.
Hanging out in the greenhouse until this year’s plant sale!
A Different Kind of Easter Egg Hunt
You don’t have to hunt Easter eggs to find something pretty and pastel in the woods. Some beautiful Missouri flowers are blooming right now. But, just like Easter Eggs, you have to look hard to find them. Most aren’t very big and nearly all grow low to the ground. Some of the flowers on this list from the Missouri Department of Conservation haven’t been spotted at Innsbrook as of yet and are a little later than usual in showing themselves. Take to the Innsbrook trails this weekend to see how many of these flowers you can discover!