Innsbrook Resort | Fishing at Innsbrook: Guidelines for a Great Experience

Fishing at Innsbrook: Guidelines for a Great Experience

Fishing at Innsbrook: Guidelines for a Great Experience

Fishing at Innsbrook is fabulous! With over 100 lakes, there’s no better place to teach your family to love the classic pastime – and actually catch some fish! While you’re out there fishing, please practice catch-and-release when appropriate, to leave fish for others to catch with their families. Below are some guidelines for fishing on Innsbrook property.

All of the lakes at Innsbrook are well-stocked for fishing. Property owner guidelines indicate that bass less than 12” should be harvested, those 12”-18” released, and for bass over 18”, there is a daily limit of two. Bluegill over 8” have a daily limit of four. Catfish over 12” have a daily limit of six. Crappie over 10” have a daily limit of four. All green sunfish should be harvested. Paddlefish are catch-and-release only. No jug-fishing, trotlines or spearfishing allowed. Some species of fish, such as green sunfish and bluegills, look similar, so please take care to note the difference if you aren’t certain.

All lakes are now open for fishing within the bounds of Innsbrook guidelines, unless noted “catch-and-release.” Hachery locations will now be marked as catch-and-release only, to avoid confusion. Friedens, the Commons pond and the pond by city hall will be catch-and-release only. Additionally, please avoid fishing around beach areas, especially when beach-goers are present.

Fishing poles and tackle are available for purchase at the Country Market, when in season. Call 636.928.3366 x9333 for availability.

Thank you and enjoy our bountiful lakes!