Innsbrook Resort | About | Location & Map

Location & Map

GPS Coordinates

You can put these coordinates in your GPS to be directed to our main gate:
Latitude: 38.768154 | Longitude: -91.038736

From St. Louis

Take Interstate 70 west to the Innsbrook/Wright City exit (Exit 200). Go left over I-70 and across the railroad tracks. Turn right onto Highway F and follow it for five miles to the Innsbrook entrance (on your left).

From Chesterfield

Take Highway 40 west to Interstate 70 west; take the Innsbrook/Wright City exit (Exit 200). Go left over I-70 and across the railroad tracks. Turn right onto Highway F and follow it for five miles to the Innsbrook entrance (on your left).

From Kansas City

Take Interstate 70 east to the first Wright City exit (Exit 199); turn right at the top of the exit; then left on the South Outer Road. Make a right at the stop sign. Turn right onto Highway F. Follow Highway F for five miles to the Innsbrook entrance (on your left).

From St. Louis

Take Interstate 70 west to the Innsbrook/Wright City exit (Exit 200). Go left over I-70 and across the railroad tracks. Turn right onto Highway F and follow it for five miles to the Innsbrook entrance (on your left).

From Chesterfield

Take Highway 40 west to Interstate 70 west; take the Innsbrook/Wright City exit (Exit 200). Go left over I-70 and across the railroad tracks. Turn right onto Highway F and follow it for five miles to the Innsbrook entrance (on your left).

From Kansas City

Take Interstate 70 east to the first Wright City exit (Exit 199); turn right at the top of the exit; then left on the South Outer Road. Make a right at the stop sign. Turn right onto Highway F. Follow Highway F for five miles to the Innsbrook entrance (on your left).

For More Information

To learn more about the Innsbrook experience, please get in touch with us at 636.928.3366 x9199 or email