Innsbrook Resort | 11 New S’mores Recipes to Try in 2015

11 New S’mores Recipes to Try in 2015

11 New S’mores Recipes to Try in 2015

Is your family becoming bored with the same old s’mores? Of course, s’mores are a delicious traditional treat and will always be an Innsbrook favorite, but wouldn’t it be fun to mix it up every now and then and try to make s’mores in a different way? We scoured the web, including Pinterest and food and family bloggers, to find some of our favorite that we think you’ll enjoy trying this year.

S’mores Popsicles

s'mores popsicles

S’mores Puppy Chow

S’mores Milkshake

s'mores milkshake

Fruit and S’mores Cones

S’mores Pizza

s'mores pizza

S’mores Pockets (This recipe has a campfire option!)

S’mores Banana Bread

s'mores banana bread

S’mores Granola Bars

Indoor S’mores

indoor s'smores

S’mores on a Stick

Banana S’mores

Put a new twist on an old tradition this summer by trying one of these recipes! Which one sounds the tastiest to you?